After launching OTbase Discovery Manager, you are prompted to log on.
OTbase Discovery Manager has no access credentials in its own right. Hence, you could cancel the logon dialog and still use the program. However in this case you will only be able to see and modify the list of nodes that are subject to management.
The credentials that you provide are passed to remote Asset Discovery nodes in order to retrieve status data. They will also allow you to remotely configure nodes.
Adding Nodes In Dialog Mode
No matter if you supplied login credentials or not, you can add Discovery nodes by clicking on the "Add" button. Thereafter, a dialog box opens which allows you to specify the product (Discovery Server or Discovery Agent), and a hostname or IP address. You can also specify a non-standard port number for the new node, if it does not match the default port number.
If not logged in, adding Asset Discovery nodes will allow you to fill the node table, but no connection attempt will be made. In this case, you will only see host names or IP addresses in the first column. Information in other columns will only be inserted when connecting to the respective Asset Discovery nodes.
Importing Nodes From a File
You can also add multiple nodes via the "Import Node(s)" button. Discovery Manager expect a file with comma-separated entries, where each line represents a node (hostname or IP address), the corresponding port and the product ("Discovery Server" or "Discovery Agent").
The Re-login button in the main menu bar can be used in situations where your Asset Discovery nodes use diverse access credentials, for whatever reason. In this situation, you can work on one set of nodes with your initial access credentials, then re-login using different credentials to manage other nodes.
Download Log File(s)
Starting with OTbase Manager 14.10, you no longer need to access the nodes directly to be able to check log files. OTbase Discovery Manager can now download the log files for you. Simply select the nodes you want to download the log files for, open the context menu (right-click) and select "Download log file(s)".
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