OTbase Discovery
The decentral asset discovery component that automatically discovers device identities and configuration details
Getting Started
- Introduction to OTbase Discovery
- OTbase Discovery deployment options
- Installing OTbase Discovery on Windows
- Installing OTbase Discovery for Docker
- Installing OTbase Discovery on Debian
- Installing OTbase Discovery on RedHat
- Configuring network settings properly
- Setting device access credentials
- Fine-tuning probing configuration for individual devices
- Manual probing
- Automatic probes
- Checking probing results
Data Export
Digesting Data Flow
Discovery Manager
- Introduction to OTbase Discovery Manager
- Installation
- Program start, logon, and adding nodes
- Group management
- Status monitoring
- Remote configuration of individual nodes
- Introduction to the Asset Discovery REST API
- Configuring OAuth2 authentication
- GET: Information retrieval
- POST: Add remote network
- DELETE: Delete network or device from configuration
- PUT: Change global configuration settings
OTbase Discovery Agent
OTbase Discovery Executable and Mobile Discovery
- How do I configure TwinCAT ADS?
- How do I configure Windows PCs for WinRM access?
- What does Asset Discovery probe, and when?
- How often does Asset Discovery probe networks?
- How many networks can I monitor with one Asset Discovery node?
- Does OTbase Asset Discovery use "passive scanning"?