Integrate OTbase with other software products, or write custom software for integration with OTbase using our API
User Interface Integration
OT-BASE Asset Lookup Chrome Extension
- Introduction
- Authorization and Authentication
- Configuring OAuth2 authentication for Inventory
- Retrieving Device Data
- Creating and Updating Device Data
- Bulk Updating Device Metadata
OTbase Technical Add-on for Splunk
OTbase Connector for Power BI
- Introduction
- Installation
- Connecting a Power BI Exchange (PBIX) report to Fabric Power BI
- Using the connector
- Building a Basic OT Device Report
- Simple Compliance Audit Report
Using Grafana for Data Visualization
Exporting and Importing Portable Inventory Data (JSON files)
The OTbase Python SDK
- Overview, installation, and dependencies
- Concepts and usage
- Reference: OtDeviceSet class
- Reference: OtDevice class
- Reference: OtNetworks class
- Reference: OtNetwork class
Service Graph Connector for ServiceNow
- Overview
- Installation & Configuration
- Using the Guided Setup
- Configuring Connection & Credentials
- Testing the REST API
- Configuring Short Code Length (Optional)