The Quick Search function is one of the most powerful features in OTbase Asset Center, even though many users didn't even figure out that it exists. If you are among those users, it's the search field at the top of OTbase Inventory:
This is where you can enter IP addresses, MAC addresses, serial numbers, CVE identifiers and much more and see momentarily what the item you have entered is related to in your asset database.
With the direct link feature, you can use the same functionality in other applications. All you need to do is to append the search term to a URL, and open that URL.
Open search URL
A Quick Search URL allows you to search for pretty much anything in OTbase, without knowing if an entry, or multiple entries, exist in the first place. Hence a Quick Search URL can be created easily because you can use pretty much any search term and let OTbase figure out if it has matching entries.
If you want to see results in any category for your search term, the URL is
where <ip|host> is replaced by the IP address or hostname of the system where OTbase Inventory is installed.
For example, if we want to do a generic search for "PowerFlex" and our Asset Center would reside on localhost, the URL would look like this:
This will result in a list of all PowerFlex hardware and software products in our asset database. Note that we didn't care about capitalization.
A search term could be, for example:
- a device ID
- an IP address
- a MAC address
- a serial number
- a CVE identifier
- a hardware product name
- a software product name
- a location identifier or location name
- a system identifier
- a change case identifier.
Restricted search
If you have specific ideas about which category the item you are searching is in, you can tell OTbase, and thereby speed up the search, and make sure that results are only shown for the category you are actually interested in.
The generic URL for restricted search is
where <ip|host> is replaced by the IP address or hostname of the system where OTbase Inventory is installed, <term> is your search term, and <category> is one of the following categories:
device, location, network, system, changecase, cve, product
So, for example, if we were searching for a specific OT system named "desalination", but there is also a location with that name, the URL
will only return the system profile of that OT system and won't show information about the location. A generic search, on the other hand, would point to the fact that there is both an OT system with that name and a location, and let you work from there to open the profile that you are ultimately interested in.
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