OTbase features a distinct two-tier architecture with a de-centralized discovery software in your process networks and a central data consolidation hub in the enterprise network. The security of your process networks is maintained because discovery nodes only use outbound communication. They are installed behind your firewalls, data diodes, or DMZs.
Central Asset Database
OTbase Inventory works as a central asset database where all asset information from all discovery nodes is consolidated. Inventory is installed only once in the organization, and it is usually placed in the enterprise network. This way users from different departments (IT security, engineering, maintenance, …) all have access to asset data, depending on their respective access rights. OTbase Inventory is delivered as a Docker container. You must have Docker installed in order to install Asset Center, preferably on Linux. Other supported platforms are Kubernetes and Windows. The Docker container contains all necessary software components for OTbase Inventory, such as a web browser and database. You don’t need to install or maintain these components separately. There is also no need to inspect or change the content of the container.
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