Once that you have selected which vulnerabilities to remediate in the vulnerabilities list, the next step is to set up a remediation task. Remediation tasks in OTbase allow you to
- plan and document your remediation efforts
- assign specific users to the remediation
- specify a schedule (Now, Next, Never -- sometimes also thought of as priority)
- specify the type of remediation (e.g. update, software removal, ...) and additional details such as the priority
- set a start and end date
- attach files.
Each remediation task will be shown in the table. You can filter the table by various criteria; for example, if you only want to see remediation tasks assigned to yourself, you put a "y" in the "assigned to me" column.
For details on a remediation task, double-click for drill-down. This opens the task profile where you'll see the basic details of the task, along with comments, assigned users, attached files etc.
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