For a simple asset report, we start with creating a table by clicking the respective icon in Visualizations. You can now populate the table by clicking on the fields you are interested in, which we take from the Devices model.
Next, we want to display the number of devices in our table. In order to do that we create a new measure which we call Device Count, and then display that measure in a card. The device count is computed as the distinct count of Device IDs.
Now we want to see the distribution of device types. In order to do this, we introduce a donut chart. Note that after clicking on the Type field, you also have to drag-and-drop it on the Values field of the donut chart.
Let's see the distribution of critical devices. In order to do that we use a bar chart to which we assign the Criticality field. Since we are only interested to see the number of critical devices but not that of non-critical devices, we filter the values to not include blanks.
Let's add another donut chart to expose obsolete hardware products. For this we simply assign the Lifecycle field to the chart. Again, we also need to drag-and-drop the field to Values.
Finally we display reference locations (usually sites) in a treemap:
With these elements we can now already do some pretty fancy analytics. For example, if we want to know about any critical devices in the Flat Rock plant which are in phaseout, end-of-life, or discontinued stage, we just click on the respective areas in the widgets, with the Ctrl key pressed. All other widgets are updated accordingly.
Based on this small example you will certainly be able to turn your data into smashing reports that match the needs of your management.
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