OTbase Discovery has a built-in access management that allows you to define who can access and configure a specific OTbase Discovery node.
In order to change access credentials, select the OTbase Discovery object (root level), make the appropriate changes in the details pane, and click "Set".
The local administrator account
Every OTbase Discovery node has one local administrator account for which access credentials are stored by the OTbase Discovery service. This account acts as a last resort when other access means (see below) are not possible.
To change the credentials of the local administrator account, make the appropriate edits in the details pane and click on "Set".
LDAP Authentication
In addition to the default system administrator you can define other users who have the same access rights but are authenticated via LDAP.
- In order to add or edit individual LDAP users, use the "authorized users" field in the details pane.
- Alternatively, you can specify user groups. Members of those groups may then access OTbase Discovery.
Domain users and groups must always be specified in the format username@domain or group@domain.
You can also specify preferred LDAP servers in order to speed up the directory lookup process.
For any edits where you specify/edit multiple entries, klick on the button "..." and use the pop-up dialog.
Logging on as a domain user
When logging on as a domain user, you must always append the user name with the domain name, separated by an "@" sign.
Logging off
In order to log off, simply close the main window by clicking the "x" in the upper right corner. The OTbase Discovery service will keep running, even after you log off from Windows.
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